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Sensory Foundation

Duration: 1 día

Schedule: De 9:15 a 17:15 h

Language: Español

Format: Presencial

Possibility of SCA certificate: Sí (90€+IVA)

Funded Course: Yes

This product is currently out of stock and unavailable.

Course information

Cupping is the practice in which each of the characteristics that define a coffee is determined and evaluated through tasting. This training will allow the student to recognise the basic concepts of sensory and organoleptic analysis and is focused on learning to objectively identify and describe the aroma, taste, and body of coffees. In addition, students will learn the protocol and methodology necessary to carry out a coffee cupping following the methodology of the Specialty Coffee Association.

Practical tasting exercises will be carried out to promote sensory experience and the study of different coffee origins and varieties.


  • Introduction to coffee cupping
  • Organoleptic analysis
  • Acidity in coffee
  • The sense of smell
  • Necessary conditions during a cupping
  • Coffee characteristics
  • Taste description
  • Errors affecting the taste evaluation
  • Cupping practice
  • Group discussion and review

For the course, a dossier with the necessary syllabus will be given to the student, and a certificate of completion will be given when it ends.

Who it’s aimed at

The basic tasting course is conceived as a fundamental tool for all those who work with coffee and for those coffee lovers who want to know how and why different types of coffee are similar or different.

Previous knowledge

None necessary.

Why choose it?

This training will help you manage and make important and optimised decisions in your specialty coffee business.

Subsidize the course through FUNDAE

Social Security Bonuses are aimed at active workers who have an employed contract and are processed through the State Foundation for Employment Training – FUNDAE.

The operation is as follows:

  • You request the documentation and we send it to you for you to fill out and return.
  • We send the invoice for the courses and your company makes the payment to reserve the spots.
  • At the end of the course, we send course reports so that the company can receive a reimbursement of 13 euros per hour per student.

These subsidies are intended for companies so that workers can receive training free of charge.

* Write us if you meet the requirements and want to reward the course

Do you need more information?

Completa el formulario para tener acceso a fechas y precios de los diferentes cursos
Fill in the form to access dates and prices of the different courses.